
  • Manufacturer: Atari
  • Year: 1980

Useful info

  • Cabinet type: Upright
  • Measures (WxHxD): 64,0 x 193,5 x 84,5 (64,5 senza pedana) cm
  • Working voltage: 220V
  • Maximum consumption: 190,5W 1,240A
  • Technology: Horizontal B/W vector monitor mirrored with black lighted background and colored overlay
This game has an extraordinary realism and three-dimensional effects. The player controls a real tank in a lunar-like environment populated by bizarre geometric shapes. As soon as the radar identifies an enemy, you must immediately intercept it, otherwise you will be destroyed. Attention, the enemies are other tanks but sometimes they also present as the most aggressive ufo ever! The mountain background helps the three-dimensional effect but the mountains are infinitely far away and will never be reached …

The cabinet in the collection is complete with all the original parts and is in very good condition. The image is reflected by a mirror on a background and helps to create a typical cockpit setting that is actually made with a cardboard designed using fluorescent colors.

I had this cab for free…

28 March 2014

Looking at the picture you can understand why I had this cab for free… I needed more or less one year to find all parts all over the world and after years there is still something to fix… First version of the restoration here shown had been made with a wrong vector monitor. At those times I couldn’t find the correct model so I had to adapt another one using another transformer. After few time I found the correct monitor and I used the first to restore Omega Race… In fact that monitor was used in Omega Race cabinet.

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone


28 March 2014

Fortunalely I already had the complete boardset, tested and working…

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

Control Panel

28 March 2014

I found all parts including wiring harness, the “brick” transformer and the power supply. I had some difficulties to find the cardboard and on a guy was selling all external parts. Here some pictures of the control panel. In that period I had not so much experience and I thought the right fire button was missing so I added a new one…

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

Cardboard and other stuff

28 March 2014

Here you can see the cardboard. Not bad 🙂

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone


and the bezel too was in great conditions.


vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

I could save the sticker too.

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

All parts in their places…

28 March 2014

In the end I had all parts. Here you can see some pictures where the cab is still quite dirty but everything is ok…ops there is a transformer you didn’t expect… It’s used for the vector monitor adapted to this game. I needed another year to find a G05-802 

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone


vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

Final result

28 March 2014

Here a couple of pics of the cabinet “as was” after this first resto. I have to say today I proceed in a different way: first of all I restore the wood and the side arts, then I remove everything from inside and I clean very well all parts. Once I finish completely the works “on the shell” I proceed with the internal parts. Anyway this is the cab.

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

OMG the foorboard is very dirty!!

New pics

30 March 2014

This is the first post with the correct date. I took these pics some hours ago…

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone

vernimark arcades - Atari Battlezone