
  • Manufacturer: Olympia
  • Year: 1982

Useful info

  • Cabinet type: Upright
  • Measures (WxHxD): 64,4 x 184,7 x 69,0 cm
  • Working voltage: 220V
  • Maximum consumption: 112,0W 0.635A
  • Technology: Vertical color raster monitor
It is the Italian version of the well-known Atari Centipede. A long caterpillar run for the screen approaching dangerously close to the player (represented by a kind of small tank); it can move at the bottom of the screen firing to the caterpillar. The enemy, once hit, is divided into two shorter but both dangerous parts. The aim is to survive by killing these faster and faster caterpillars. In addition, the screen is filled with more and more obstacles and insidious spiders increase the difficulty. A very important difference with the original version is given by the absence of a trackball replaced by a cheaper joystick.

This Italian version was designed by Luigi Corteggi aka Cortez  and represents a gorgeous example of Italian graphics from the early 80s. The cabinet in the collection is in exceptional condition even if the control panel has been replaced with a reproduction. The joystick is a common model of those years because we can not know how the original was; in fact it seems that this is the only one remained complete with its original game.

Just an overview

4 August 2017

Years ago I picked up this CATERPILLAR made by OLYMPIA. It is a CENTIPEDE clone (I think) under license. PCB is very similar to the Atari board but the most important difference is the control panel; in fact this cabinet version was born with a joystick and not with a trackball. Original Atari board supports both kind of controls and Olympia board does the same.

These are the initial conditions

As you can see side arts are in very good conditions. The designer of this cab is very famous in Italy; he is Cortez (Luigi Corteggi). He drawn a lot of comics covers in the past and designed some other Olympia cabinets as Vega and Portraits.

Marquee is not in good conditions. Blue is crappy and when the back light is on the resulting image is bad.

Actually I’ve seen coin doors in bad conditions and so this is quite good. Just dirty and a bad sticker.

This is the control panel. Very bad. The cabinet had been converted in I don’t know what but for sure this happened several times…


4 August 2017

Marquee seemed to be in good condition but putting a back light I could see all blue part was compromised. I tried to paint it with the right tone of color but the result was quite bad.

Marquee support were not so rusted so I could restore them quickly.

vernimark arcades - Olympia Caterpillar

Then I followed these steps:

1 I took a good picture
vernimark arcades - Olympia Caterpillar


2 I vectorized it

vernimark arcades - Olympia Caterpillar

3 I sent it to print

vernimark arcades - Olympia Caterpillar

Old and new marquee compared:

vernimark arcades - Olympia Caterpillar

New marquee has different colors, I’ll reprint it don’t worry. My fault, I took the picture with a cold light. Anyway this is a good start.

Upper part

4 August 2017

Just few hours to clean the part behind the marquee and remove the old-style switch on the top…

This is the part behind the marquee

…and this “was” the switch…

Sides and Supports

4 August 2017

Side arts need to be cleaned only, while the supports were completely rusted.

I removed the old paint and most of the rust, then I painted as usual with  protection layer, then a primer and, in the end, the black paint.



4 August 2017

T-molding has been damaged by some pins

so I removed all pins and I used some putty to close the holes and irregularities.

after sanding all the surface I used glossy black

That’s all

Power Supply

5 August 2017

I found some modifications on the power supply. In fact inside the cab close to the original power brick I found a switch.
Then I found an OLYMPIA sticker covering the holes for additional fuses. I removed it in order to use that image to reproduce the sticker for the coin door.

Cleaned and checked, replaced just the diodes.

Coin Door

5 August 2017

Coin door was dirty only but the sticker should be replaced. Ashtray is in good condition.

vernimark arcades - Olympia Caterpillar

more in detail…

This is the sticker found on the power supply

vernimark arcades - Olympia Caterpillar


I scanned and vectorized it, then I printed on a transparent layer and then I glued it on metal paper. Last picture shows the comparation between the repro and the original.

this is the result after cleaning.

Last step: the Control Panel

5 August 2017

The most damaged part of the entire project.

I prepared an aluminium rectangle in order to cover the damaged part

and I glued it with metal glue and then I covered with assembling glue sanding all over, giving a rounded shape on the edges.

In the mean time I reproduced the layout on a vinyl surface and applied it.


Replacing the wheels

26 September 2018

Wheels were damaged and the panel destroyed. Actually I think years of humidity weakened the structure.

vernimark arcades - Olympia Caterpillar

As you can see the cabinet weight deformed the wheels.

First of all I removed all stuff screwed on the panel

I just used a plywood panel screwing it on the old structure. New wheels have been screwed too with long screws in order to get stronger the entire part.

New wheels are tested on 70Kg each and can be braking

Then I replaced the screws on both sides used to block the side protections. Original screws were very small, new screws are longer and can block the new panel.

I can see inside I had no conseguences

This is the result.